Technical Illustration

Digital Technical Illustrations to visually communicate information of any technical nature. conventional line drawings exploded view drawings cutaway drawings clip art images Technical Drawings General layout drawing Layout drawing General arrangement drawing Detail drawing Assembly drawing Erection drawings Process flow diagram
Resource Management

Atlantis Technical resources work cohesively with core Engineering Design and Manufacturing teams at Customer Locations to effectively deliver product designs and Engineering Changes. Domain Experts for design engineering services across diverse industry segments are ready to be deployed on site at short notice. We execute short term as well as long term Design projects by […]
HR Services

Atlantis can help you find, evaluate, hire, and manage your workforce and make sure you have the right people for your upcoming projects, filling the temporary vacancy, meeting seasonal requirements and reducing your workforce during Lean periods.
Corporate Training

Corporate Training: 2D Drafting and 3D Modelling Engineering Drawing and GDNT Surface and Assembly Design Engineering Simulation Casting, Sheetmetal and Plastic Technologies Fabrication and Welding Technologies Reliability Engineering (Design for Reliability – DFR Statistical Process (SPC)/ Quality Control (SQC) Design of Experiments (DoE) Asset Management & Risk Management (AMRM) Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Issues […]
Engineering Simulation

Simulation services are tailored to specific needs of the customer with a team of industry experienced engineers. Atlantis uses industry standard Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tools to provide a complete range of solutions in : Structural – Linear and Non-linear Optimization of Structure for weight Thermal Dynamic Computational Fluid Dynamics Fatigue We also provides value […]

Imported Data Translations : Atlantis’s service offering includes conversion of imported data from various CAD formats (example IGES, STEP, etc) which provide a common vendor neutral representation for the exchange of all computer based product data to native CAD files and vice versa. Reverse Engineering : Atlantis offers services such as CMM scanning (Laser/Probe), 3D […]
Tool & Fixture Design

Mold Design (Plastics): Atlantis offers tool Design Services with expertise in the following areas : Conventional Injection Mold Designs Single and Multi cavity tools (including features such as pneumatic cylinder, secondary ejection design and control) The parametric relationship is maintained between the component design and tool design where a change in the component is automatically […]
Engineering Design

Relevant domain expertise and CAD knowledge of our Engineering team helps our clients to leverage the best design in the shortest possible time. This in turn helps the customer to realize product development needs in the most cost effective manner. Atlantis aims to deliver practical and functional product designs, in line with manufacturability, assembly and […]